Sunday, March 21, 2010

Goal #1

So, I'm taking baby steps this time around. I've always struggled with my weight, ever since I was a little girl. It may or may not have been from growing up with a Mexican nanny making me delicious homemade tortillas, etc without many veggies or fruit.

Anyway, I was at a comfortable weight for my wedding (which I worked VERY hard at), then after the honeymoon I just kinda stopped caring. BIG mistake. I gained 30 pounds in 6 short months. My clothes stopped fitting. My face changed. I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin. So, I decided to join Weight Watchers online. It's been very hjelpful in changing my eating habits. It's really all about portion control. Which I have none of. Control anyway. So one step at a time.

My first goal is to lose 9.8lbs.I'll explain later why the exact number. :) After I reach that goal, we'll discuss the next.


  1. That was pretty much me after moving home from college. I had 30 pounds to lose, didn't think it'd be too hard, but instead of going down, I went up 30 pounds in 7-9 months. And, as you've seen from my blog, I've spent the last oh...2 years trying to fight that 30 pounds. Plus the original 30 I had to lose.

    I like your idea of having a first smaller goal. Doesn't seem as daunting as a whole 30 (or 60)!!!

  2. Yes, baby steps are key! Go us! :)
