Friday, August 13, 2010


Is it so much easier to put ON the weight, than lose it?

I went to the Doctor today, and she told me that the first step is acknowledgment. She also said that her first year of marriage was the hardest for her.

Some great words of encouragement.


  1. I will offer this much; I know that food with friends is a big part of your lifestyle, and that is really hard to change. But, I can tell you that you really won't see a huge different in your body until you cut out the majority, if not all, of the eating out. And thinking otherwise isn't really realistic. Plus, think of all the money you will save! Try having friends over for dinner instead and trying out new healthy, yummy recipes on them :) I'll be a guinea pig!

  2. Yes, for sure! We just went to Costco and loaded up on healthy yummy foods. Our goal is to stay in all week!
