Thursday, November 18, 2010


Losing weight and being on a diet is definitely not fun...or easy. I'm trying to think of it as a "Lifestyle Change" and not a diet. I was really craving pizza, or some macaroni and cheese, but I know that is not going to help me with my goal. So, I had Tilapia and cauliflower instead. Mmmm.

I'm starving (pun intended) off boredom by making delicious meals that are full of flavor and healthy. I wouldn't say I'm starving, but by no means am I ever full.

No one said it would be easy. I'm already feeling a big difference so it's nice to see results so quickly. It's giving me motivation to keep going and stay on track!


  1. Keep up the good work. I was looking at some of your recent pics posted on FB and was thinking you are looking pretty good :)
