Monday, October 18, 2010

Weigh In Friday...UP 2 Pounds?

Ok then. 

I started boot camp last week and was super diligent about my eating. Tracking every little thing, and being very good. I did boot camp on Tuesday and Thursday. The trainer created custom work out plans for me, and I was there for over an hour each day.

On Friday I was actually EXCITED to hop on the scale to see my progress. To my astonishment, I had GAINED two pounds. What the heck? I drank tons of water, worked out, ate right....what gives?

Of the people I surveyed, they said "muscle weight." The dreaded "muscle weight." Growing up I always heard this. I was an athlete until I started college, and quit my intense volleyball workouts. I did have quite a bit of muscle, but that is something you don't really want to hear.

Anyway, I'm trying to not let it bother me since I am doing the right things. Just putting my head down and continuing the weight loss path. Hopefully this Friday will bring something different.


  1. My thoughts on this is that your muscles were probably swollen with fluids due to the workouts.

  2. don't only weigh you self. measure yourself too! :)

    don't get too hard on yourself ... you are doing great!
